"Getting the right people in the right jobs is
a lot more important than developing a strategy."
Jack Welch

We make things happen

Project Management
1. Work with the design consultants, the contractor, and trade subcontractors to finalize unresolved design issues
2. Monitor and coordinate onsite activity
3. Monitor progress relative to the contractor's schedule, obtain recovery schedules, proactively identify and mitigate areas of potential Owner caused impact
4. Schedule and coordinate all third party inspections required for the Project
​​5. Closely monitor contractor’s QC/QA programs to ensure that execution of the work is in compliance with regulatory and Contract requirements
6. Review and make payment recommendations on all consultant and contractor payment applications and / or invoices
7. Review contractor change order requests for both entitlement and pricing, negotiate and settle final CO amounts
8. Review submittals to ensure compliance with Contract requirements
9. Review of proposed substitutions and/or Value Engineering to ensure that the implementation of such proposals does not adversely affect the Project’s quality standards
10. Review & monitor RFI submissions and ensure prompt consultant turnaround of responses
11. Monitor and update the Project FF&E budget. Coordinate procurement, consolidation, shipment, delivery, and installation of Project OFCI and FF&E
Contract Administration
1. Attend and document all Owner / Architect / Contractor meetings
2. Identify, manage the selection and procurement of necessary third party consultant services and negotiate the terms and conditions of all resulting agreements
3. Establish and maintain comprehensive yet intuitive system for construction document control
4. Establish project tracking logs, including those required for RFIs, ASIs/CCDs, submittals, change orders
5. Ensure timely processing and satisfactory response for all time sensitive project documentation
6. If required, assemble Monthly Project Reports
​7. Construct and maintains a Budget Status Report, therein tracking the status of all contracts, P.O.s, including committed and projected costs
Facilities/Property Management
1. Meet with end user groups and assess their short/long term needs
2. Incorporate users/landlord's requirements into project programming/planning
3. Retro-commissioning management
4. Equipment replacement, building system(s) upgrade
5. Emergency repairs response
© 2015 by Kleytman Pacific, LLC